What do You Want to Do? A Roadmap for using the R4S Portal

Whether you are researching the movement for reparations, studying the history of injustices in your region, or are interested in designing a plan of repair, we have resources for you!

Check out these features, then explore our dropdown menus for many more options,

including our documentary, podcasts, and library.


Watch the film that features Briayna's and Lotte's work.

Learn about the case for reparations, including the rationale for HR-40 and other aspects of repair.

Find out what's happening in your area!  Many states and municipalities are walking the path to repair.

Learn about movement leadership, connectivity and funding plus regional and international efforts

What questions do you have about the movement for reparations?  Check out our FAQ, which answers many of the typical questions we are commonly asked.

Find out about HR-40 and this nation's quest for a national program of repair.

Make use of the many toolkits offered through a variety of organizations.

Check out our daily reparations newsfeed.  What's happening in your area?

Check out the R4S newsletter and see what Briayna and Lotte are up to!


Learn about the 10:1 racial wealth gap through the lens of history, from slavery through sundown towns.

Learn about your region's history of slavery and institutional racism in our regional guide.

Learn about the 10:1 racial wealth gap by studying the throughlines of history in 16 different areas of modern experience.

Envision a repaired future in 16 different areas of modern experience.


Genealogy, in general, and lineage societies, in particular, have long been used to keep Black and white communities apart. Reparative genealogy aims to bring Black and white people together to better understand our shared history of enslavement and the wounds of the past that have resulted in today's 10:1 racial wealth gap.

As we begin to discover the pain and suffering our collective enslaver ancestors have caused and our own complicity in upholding institutional racism, by extension, we may become overwhelmed with feelings of shame, guilt, remorse, or even anger.

The whitewashing and erasure of our common history is damaging to Black and white people alike.   To fully participate in the movement for reparations, it is important that white families revisit and relearn our common history framed through a racial justice lens.  Learn about your region's erased history and deepen your commitment to repair.

For over one thousand years, our white ancestors lived under the brutal conditions of continuous warfare and violence, ultimately creating a society in which slavery was ubiquitous and public torture was considered sport.  In order to heal from white supremacy, we must understand the roots of the trauma that created it.



Is your faith community's racial justice group looking for a way to deepen its work?  Our guide provides a detailed path for congregations to take the next step on the journey of repair.  Includes specific steps, sample sermons, and links to other faith communities' reparations efforts.


For white individuals and families who wish to take their support for reparations to the next level.  We'll show you how to craft family plans of repair based on our family histories plus evaluate ways we can further activate our commitments to repair.  Solo and cohort-based learning opportunities are available.
