Lotte Lieb Dula
R4S portal founder, lead curriculum developer, podcast producer
Lotte Lieb Dula is a retired financial strategist and reparations advocate.

Tamara Rhone
Curriculum Development
Tamara Rhone is a retired educator specializing in Black history

Briayna Cuffie
Essayist, racial equity advisor, curriculum development, reparative genealogist
Briayna Cuffie is a strategist, political advocate and civil servant specializing in international relations.

Asia Dorsey
Modern Vectors Curriculum Development, Host of Healing Black Futures podcast
Asia Dorsey is a nourishment-based educator and bioregional herbalist in Denver, Colorado.

Tinelle Louis
Web Designer, Pretty Pages LLC
Digital rockstar Tinelle Louis of Pretty Pages, LLC maintains and updates the R4S portal.